alpha kartsaki

sound, peformance, visual art


I regularly give workshops to kindergarten and school children in collaboration with the theater Schaubude Berlin in the context of TUKI (Theater und Kita) and TUSCH (Theater und Schule).

TUKI Theater & Kita


Project team Schaubude
Franziska Burnay Pereira, Susann Tamoszus, Gonzalo Barahona, alpha kartsaki

die welt ohne uns

Project team Schaubude / elementary school at Humboldthain

Franziska Burnay Pereira, Emese Bodolay, alpha kartsaki, Stefano Trambusti, Martina Mahrenholz in cooperation with the Haus für Poesie: Karla Montasser, Evva Parsons

Pictures: Franziska Burnay Pereira, Schaubude Berlin

For more information, click here

silence & noise

Artisic Team: Franziska Burnay Pereira & alpha kartsaki

Is noise always loud and disturbing?
Inspired by important musical works of the 20th century such as 4'33 by John Cage and Stripsody by Cathy Berberian, we will explore these loud questions. Using techniques such as graphic notation, we develop our own musical vocabulary, compose pieces and perform: shrill and delicate, rumbling and whispering, crashing and breathing - and everything in between.

Documentation: Schaubude Berlin

Unheard things

Documentation: Schaubude Berlin
Unheard Things

Artistic Team: Franziska Burnay Pereira / Sophie Bartels Theater collective PRAGMATA (alpha kartsaki & Sebastian Schlemminger)

For more information, click here